Envelope System
Revolutionary building system that created uninterrupted fully integrated facades comprised of fixed, sliding, bi-fold, hinged, curtain wall, spider and wall units while keeping a slim structure. The change from one unit type to the next does not require the addition of extra frames. All units follow a slim architecture and are able to make large openings
Envelop system has revolutionized by integrating thermal broken profiles in addition to shading devises, railings, sliding, folding… providing thus unique solutions for sound and thermal performance as well as architecturally interesting dynamic shapes.
Beyond the Flexible design where parts of the system are used in conventional buildings providing innovative glass solutions, envelop systems form new approach in modern buildings design, improving quality of thermal and sound performance, reducing building time and cost with beautiful aesthetics
All building components including walls come with drainage system, which puts end to wall cracking and moisture leaks.

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